JWT Decoder

Decode and inspect JSON Web Tokens securely in your browser

Decode Your JWT Token

Enter your JWT token below to decode its contents. All processing happens locally in your browser - your token is never sent to any server.

Mastering JSON Web Tokens: Complete Guide

What is a JWT?

JSON Web Token (JWT) is an open standard (RFC 7519) that defines a compact and self-contained way for securely transmitting information between parties as a JSON object. This information can be verified and trusted because it is digitally signed.

JWT Structure

A JWT consists of three parts separated by dots (.):

  • Header - Contains metadata about the token, such as the type of token and the algorithm used to sign it.
  • Payload - Contains the claims or the actual data being transmitted.
  • Signature - Validates that the token hasn't been altered after being issued.

Common Uses for JWTs

  • Authentication and authorization
  • Information exchange between parties
  • Secure API communication
  • Single Sign-On (SSO) implementations
  • Stateless session management

JWT Claims Explained

Claim Description
iss Issuer of the token
sub Subject of the token
aud Audience of the token
exp Expiration time
nbf Not valid before time
iat Time the token was issued
jti JWT ID

Security Considerations

While JWTs are a great way to transmit information securely, it's important to remember that the payload is only encoded, not encrypted. Sensitive information should never be stored in a JWT unless it's encrypted. Always verify JWT signatures in production environments.

Best Practices for Using JWTs

Critical: Always validate JWTs before processing!
  1. Use strong signing algorithms (e.g., RS256)
  2. Implement expiration times to limit token validity
  3. Store tokens securely (e.g., HttpOnly cookies)
  4. Regularly rotate signing keys
  5. Monitor for unusual token usage patterns

Real-World Applications of JWTs

🔐 API Authentication

Securely authenticate users and services using JWTs in RESTful APIs.

📱 Mobile Applications

Use JWTs for user sessions in mobile apps, ensuring secure access to resources.

🌐 Single Sign-On (SSO)

Implement SSO solutions using JWTs to streamline user access across multiple applications.

FAQ: JWT Implementation

Use libraries like jsonwebtoken (Node.js) or PyJWT (Python) to verify the signature and validate claims.

No, avoid storing sensitive information in the payload. Use encryption if necessary.

About This Tool

This JWT Decoder parses and displays the contents of JSON Web Tokens. All processing happens directly in your browser - your sensitive tokens are never transmitted to any server.

Common JWT Claims

  • iss - Issuer of the token
  • sub - Subject of the token
  • aud - Audience of the token
  • exp - Expiration time
  • nbf - Not valid before time
  • iat - Time the token was issued
  • jti - JWT ID